Reserve for support Drop-ins are welcome
Otemae Learning Support Center Image

At our university, we provide personalized guidance on study and learning strategies to accommodate each student's needs.
  This includes advice on attending classes and organizing your schedule effectively. Whether you're addressing issues like "I don't know how to study effectively," "I want to overcome areas of confusion," "I wish to deepen my understanding of course materials," or "I aim to improve my grades," we recognize that every student faces their own unique challenges and concerns.
  At the Otemae Learning Support Center, we are always attentive to each student to address their individual issues and concerns, collaborating closely to discover effective solutions.

Information (Japanese Only)

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[閉室告知] 2025年1月17日は入試会場準備の為、夙川の学修サポートセンターは閉室しており、オンラインサポート対応も停止しております。大阪の学修サポートセンターは、通常通り開室しております。
[PC貸出について] 全学生がPC必携になりましたので、学修サポートセンターではPCの貸出は停止しています。但しSPSS, CAD等の特定のソフトを使ってサポートする場合は使用を認めることもあります。
英語版のページを作成しました (English is Here)